Code of Conduct
NRCPD Code of Conduct Guidelines
BSL The aim of these Guidelines is to ensure that the Code of Conduct is clearly understood, and that communications across languages and cultures are carried out consistently, competently and impartially.
1. Confidentiality
BSL 1.0 You must respect the confidential nature of any information gained in the course of your professional activity
BSL 1.1 You are expected to keep confidential any information pertaining to, or arising from, an assignment. However, there may be circumstances where disclosure is acceptable, such as:
- You may pass on information pertaining to or arising from an assignment if failure to do so could result in prosecution, or if required to do so by law.
- You may pass on information pertaining to or arising from an assignment to protect the welfare of an individual or the community at large.
- You may wish to use evidence of performance for training, assessment or professional development purposes. You should respect the consumer’s right to confidentiality, and only use such evidence with their permission.
BSL 1.2 Information exchanged in the public domain is not confidential.
BSL 1.3 If required, and with the agreement of all parties, you may work to the confidentiality policy of the employing institution.
2. Competence
BSL You must recognise and work within the limits of your competence, and if necessary, refer on to another proficient professional.
BSL 2.1 You should only undertake assignments for which you have the appropriate qualifications, competence, and experience.
BSL 2.2 You should strive to ensure that complete and effective communication takes place; you should not add nor take anything away from the intended meaning and should keep to the spirit of what is said or signed.
BSL 2.3 You should, in advance where practicable, seek to ensure that the necessary conditions for effective communication are provided (e.g. being seated where you can see/be seen/be heard clearly; provision for adequate breaks, etc). Where this is not the case you should make it known to the parties concerned and, if the deficiency is likely to be a serious impediment to effective performance, you should indicate to the organiser your inability to continue with the assignment.
BSL 2.4 If there are communication problems during an assignment, you should look to solve these using your professional skills. If the problem persists, you should indicate to the organiser your inability to continue with the assignment.
BSL 2.5 In the event of a breakdown as described in 2.3 or 2.4 above, you should report the circumstances to the principal as soon as possible afterwards.
3. Integrity
BSL You must seek to reflect credit on your profession
You must seek to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and integrity
BSL 3.1 You should not bring your profession into disrepute by conducting yourself in a manner at variance with the high standards expected of a professional person.
BSL 3.2 You should not knowingly or negligently act in a way that is likely to be detrimental to your profession, or to the reputation of the NRCPD.
BSL 3.3 You should endeavour to behave in a manner appropriate to the context of the interaction.
BSL 3.4 You should respect the ethics and the working practices of other professions, and support your colleagues in the course of their duties in order to ensure the provision of the best quality service to all consumers.
BSL 3.5 If you are unable to undertake an assignment that you have accepted, the principal should be informed as soon as possible. If you are in a position to do so, you should assist in finding an appropriate communication professional to take your place. You should not hand over an assignment to another communication professional without the agreement of the principal.
BSL 3.6 You may advertise your services but what is advertised must be accurate, relevant and must not mislead.
4. Impartiality
BSL You must avoid discrimination against parties involved in an assignment, either directly or indirectly, on any grounds You must disclose any information, including conflicts of interest, which may make you unsuitable for an assignment or call into question your impartiality, and decline or withdraw from the assignment if this cannot be satisfactorily resolved
BSL 4.1 You should be impartial, and should not act in any way that might demonstrate prejudice or preference.
BSL 4.2 You should not accept an assignment where your impartiality could be questioned. You should disclose any business, financial or other interest, which may make you unsuitable for an assignment.
BSL 4.3 Unforeseen conflicts of interest should be declared as soon as they become apparent, if these have not been disclosed when accepting an assignment.
BSL 4.4 You should not gain any improper or financial benefit from any information acquired while you are working.
5 Professional Development
BSL You must keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date.
BSL 5.1 You are expected to support the reputation of your profession, and work to improve your professional standards and status through continuing professional development.
BSL 5.2 You should make sure that your knowledge, skills and performance are of a good quality, up to date, and relevant to your scope of practice. If you work in a range of different domains, including legal, health, education, and community, you should make sure that whatever the setting, you are capable of practising competently and effectively.